Eagles or butterflies?

Last Sabbath I learned about eagles and butterflies. Did you know that eagles when are old they renew their feathers, beak and claws? They fly to the most high mountain and starts the process of loose their old "features" to get new ones. Did you know when we hold a butterfly by their wings and then we let it go, a dust will be at our fingers and that butterfly will never fly like it used to fly before? Eagles are strong birds, when life become hard to them, they renew themselves, butterflies are fragile insects, when life touch it, they never recover themselves! Since we got here, we are living like eagles, renewing ourselves, trying our best. In the beginning of this journey we were like butterflies , weak in so many areas, but after each bump, we had learned, and from butterflies now we are trying to be eagles, strong and fearless eagles! We thank God each day for so many lessons, for His patience and love for us. Next time when life gives you the...