A lot of times people ask us if we are happy here, if we accepted the fact that, we are here, in this complicated country, they ask how the kids are doing, also they ask if we know better how to get things we need, but most of all, they ask if we are happy in Venezuela.

In the beginning our answer would say :" not really, but we are ok" , yes the beginning of all things are not easy, remember when you were learning to ride a bike, or drive a car, or when you were learning to read and write? Anyway, the same thing happened with us when we moved, the first weeks were so impossible to stand, so painful, but, we keep looking forward and hoping for better days.

But, thanks God, we had faith and deeply we knew things will be better, the first step to take was look, just look! There are so many great things in the garden of life, even when the things you like the most doesn't appear so often, but, look, just look maybe we can find new things or even the old things we love is just hidden, so that's why we need to open our eyes and hearts! After that, we found our old things we love! The things were here all the time, surrounding us! In the beginning our eyes were concentrated in the wrong way, but now we found our garden of life!

So, now if you ask us if we are happy here, the answer is:...." look to the pictures!"

Miss all of you! A lot ..... always!

G, V, V & O.


  1. Summer greetings from Riverfield!! I love the photographs. The colors are so vibrant and that butterfly is amazing. It also looks like Oliver is as tall as Victoria! Graziela, your honesty and insight into the lessons God is teaching you are inspiring to me. You are setting a wonderful example for your children and those of us lucky enough to read your posts. It is REALLY hot in Oklahoma right now. It's hard to be outside for very long. Swimming helps, but the water feels like bath water. Congratulations to Oliver and Victoria on your swim medals! Way to go. School will be starting in about 3 weeks - it won't be the same without the Moura family!!!!! Love, Ms. Naifeh


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