In the way to Caripe!

These pictures are from our trip to Caripe - a small town in the mountains.

Did you ever heard someone saying that arrive in some place is not so important than enjoy the trip, enjoy the time until you got there?

That's so true in this case!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to Caripe with high expectations, .... we though the place should be a cute little town, with flowers, gorgeous cottages, nice views, wonderful food,.... anyway,.... you were so disappointed, the place is the opposite about we though. I have no words to describe in a nice way the city Caripe! So, better not to describe!

But, in the way to Caripe, we found so many interesting things and views.
First were the beautiful mountains, powerful, strong blue green mountains surrounding us all the way to the not so cute Caripe, then the funny and interesting sites,....... one was the street lights turned on in the middle of the day in a country which has no 24/7 electricity!!!!!!!!!!! Then we saw a unique bus, very colorful, maybe the colors of hope, colors for happier days in the not so fun place! Also we saw a gorgeous landscape, water and mountains welcoming us, reminding us about important and durable things!
In the middle of the way to Caripe we found people who are trying to survive the not so easy Venezuelan situation, in the middle of nowhere there was a "store" by the highway selling girls dresses, and then we think about choices we have in life........ try or not try!!!!

We were so alert in the way to Caripe, after every curve, we want to find a surprise, and we found so many things to think about, to be thankful for!

The best in a journey is the time we spend during the journey, when we reach the final step the journey is over and so the opportunity to learn!
In the way to not so cute Caripe, we had a great journey, we found treasures to keep it and to share it!

With much love,
G, V, V & O.


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