The list

Hello! Hola!!!

This morning in the way back from school, entering in my neighborhood I looked to the horizon and I saw beautiful dark blue mountains behind a few clouds and a blue sparkling sky..... that vision made me think about my list! A list that I made before moving to Maturin. The list.
There are so many kinds of list we do every month, .... the grocery list, the to do list, the appointments list, the kids activity list, anyway, so many lists!!!!!!!!!

When we knew about our transfer I created some lists, I did the things to buy , things to ask , things to search and the list with things to ask God. The last one was the most important.

I asked for nature, I asked for peace, for safety, for knowledge, for challenges, for wisdom, for patience, for something that reminds me of Tulsa, for happiness too!

And after almost 3 months in the land of surprises, I realized that God gave me much more than I asked for in my human list! The mountains in our neighborhood showed me how great and how wonderful is to have a Father like God.
The first day here He welcome us with peacocks at the hotel, this is a little bit of Tulsa, and now the peacocks come to our backyard and every time we see the beautiful birds, we laugh and talk about our Tulsa. We never though we could have peacocks here! But God is in every detail!

The challenges are in every day routine, the challenges make us strong and we become smarter! Also brings patience and we become closer to each other as a family! The safety is when we understand that God is with us, no matter what, so, we do not need to be afraid.
So, my human list is working in this land! Here we are,.... in the land that we are learning to love and appreciate!

Next time I will add in my list the " to be thankful" ! Even with storms and huge challenges we need to find things to be thankful for, and believe me, there are much more to be thankful for than to be sad!

Maturin is the great opportunity to grow, learn, be thankful, and again, be thankful for the amazing blessing to being here in the land of surprises!!!!!!!!! So, the happiness is ..... well, you know, .... the happiness is to have a father like Him!

Miss you all!!!!!!!!!

G,V,V & O.


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