The land of bugs and free gas!

Hello dear friends & family,

Here we are in the mysterious Maturin, living new things each day, waiting, and searching, and waiting one more time!
Here, the land of nonsense theories, the land of free gas!

This week we had peaceful days,we found what we needed and the best we found the way!
We had our regular swimming and tennis lessons, also the kids were invited to swim in a new club " Palma Real" where the State coach wanted to meet them. We went there, and I was impressed! Maturin has a another club! Wow this is big! The club is nice and colorful the kids swan for 2 hours with their coach, and honestly I enjoyed the moment, I enjoyed to try a new thing!
The swimming pool is not like the swimming pool we had in Tulsa, but " we get what we get and don't get upset"! That's our new quote!LOL! By the way,.... the State coach didn't showed up!

Anyway, this week we dedicated to clean our new house and in the way of cleaning we found several new problems at the house.... so I did a list to present to the owner and this was my 3rd list in 20 days,...!!!!!!! Here is also the land of waiting and waiting, we should be living in the house already but we can't move without air conditioner, alarm, also without a garage door that works, and washer, we are waiting with patience and hope.

We didn't bought a car yet. But I decided about what kind of car we need. Did you know how much cost to fill up the tank here? If you have a SUV it will cost
2 dollars, yes, TWO dollars! Can you believe it? This is the land of free gas!!!!!!!!!! That's good news!

On Thursday I was thinking about the week, about what happened what I learned and I realized this week was very calm without big deals, and I panicked! How can I leave without a challenge? How can I go to sleep without anything to talk about or to think about! Wow, I realized that the challenges are gifts from God.
The challenges can transform ourselves, we can improve, we can learn so much with challenges too. Can you believe that I'm really thankful for being here? Well, sometimes I don't believe! Remember when I mentioned that Maturin has everything that I don't like it? It's amazing how faith and trust can help us to see the world with the way we should see.
So, without big challenges I began to search for some! Of course, what else I could do?! On Friday morning I went to the pool with the kids, their coach was sick, so I tried to be a coach for an hour, but, I couldn't! The kids weren't happy and my son was complaining because of the bugs!
The swimming pool has bugs, of course, we are in Maturin, the land of bugs, but the bugs were dead, even with no life to bother the swimmers, my son couldn't continue his routine! In resume.... we finished our class earlier much earlier with a lot of complains, with a lot of crying, and more complains. The result was no laptop, no Ipod, no TV plus a lecture for 30 minutes! In the lecture time everybody cried, I told them that I'm trying really hard to be happy, to offer our best for them, to see things with gentle eyes and open hearts, to accept what we have here, to learn, to be a better human being, to teach them what is important, and also I told them that I'm tired of complains, since we arrived here I heard everyday a lot of complains and this is not right! I told them they should be extremely thankful for being here because they are learning, they will be stronger and they are learning to adapt themselves in all situations, and this is for life.

So,..... yes we have bugs here, we don't have the perfect swimming pool, we don't have Nesquick, we don't have sugar sometimes, we don't have the fresh organic milk, we don't have a indoor tennis court, we don't have the most beautiful school, we don't have 24/7 grocery store, we don't have a fast service for utilities, we have to wait a week for gas delivery at your house, we have to wait a year to install a phone at your house unless you pay much more, much more for a quick service, we don't have internet access in a couple of minutes, we don't have electricity 24/7, we don't have a lot of things, but we do have our family, we do have faith that God will provide, we do have a swimming pool with bugs and without lanes and flags, we do have a tennis court under the sun so,we just need to be there at 6 am, we do have whatever milk and we just need to get use to, we do have love, we do have friends, we do have a school which is not amazing but we have a school and opportunity to learn, we do have a lot of things!!!!! Yes, that was my speech for our kids, and after that they understood that in life sometimes we can't have what we want, sometimes we have to accept new things and transform then in great opportunities to grow and become stronger.
What they don't have here is nothing comparing with what they do have. They have the great opportunity to learn and this is priceless! I believe they found the way!

Well, for sure we will have to swim with bugs and still finish the line!
In the land of bugs and free gas we do have a lot of things, we just need to keep our eyes and hearts opened!

We miss all of you! Hope everybody is doing great!
Thanks for your emails and comments, that means a lot!

With much love,
G, V, V & O.


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