Goodbye Red Planet
This post I wrote 3 years ago, sorry I took too much time to publish! 
After 6 years that Moment arrived. That moment that I thought since my first hour in the country, since when I took my first step in the Venezuelan soil and looked to the right and left and  I saw nothing but despair. 

Yes, we left the red planet 3 years ago.

I don't have much to say, I planned my leaving during those 6 years in just one way and I failed! I was planning to say goodbye with a huge smile to the immigration officer before leaving the country, but I couldn't. I was sad and I couldn't said the word goodbye neither give a smile, I said see you later. How could I said see you later if I knew I would never come back, if I knew that I didn't have a home in that country anymore?!
After everything that happened there, all the things I learned and lived, all the great experiences and nice people that I met, I was sad to say goodbye!

Venezuela, the red planet, the country that smells arepas everywhere, where you can hear salsa music in almost every two minutes in all sort of places, where everybody becomes your hermano, or pana in just a few seconds, where summer is all year long and no matter how much sunblock you apply you will have some degree of tan for sure, the planet where you can laugh about the jokes they made about themselves and be sad at the same time, the country that taught me so many great things, where I became stronger in so many ways, the place that I learned to love and respect. 

All I have to say is thank you!
So thankful to God who gave us this incredible opportunity and who helped us all the way, also who protected us in every second of our lives. 

The most useful thing I learned there was be patience, the most practical thing it was be a good listener, the most helpful thing it was be open, the most important thing was be faithful, the best thing that happened it was to understand that we must  transform ourselves, not improve but transform, improve is just a superficial paint to get a better look but transform is recreate ourselves in something better much better than before, the most incredible thing that I discovered it was that we lived by faith not by probabilities. 

So, now our next adventure is still a mystery, but soon we will know and then we will begin the new journey with much power than we had in our first step in the red planet! 
Bye Red Planet, it was a pleasure to meet you! 
With much love,
G,V,V & O. 


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