"Don't worry, be happy"!

I took these pictures last week. The first one is our banana tree with a beautiful blue bird, I took at noon. The second one I took around 6:10 pm and the last one I took at 6am, that big circle is the moon.

Three wonderful views that I had the pleasure to see! Three amazing promises God give us everyday.

Do you have time to check the sky or a bird flying by? Hope so!

Those scenarios show me how great and lovely God is with us. The third one brings me peace, reflects how much care He has for us, even in the early morning, He brings a beautiful silver moon to bright our way, after a while on lunch time, while we are cooking and don't know what to cook, He gives a banana to a blue bird, if He cares about the little bird, for sure He cares much more about us, this picture brings me "sure, He will be with you"! And the second one shows me that even in the darkest moments of life He is still there giving a warm light and hope!

Hope we have time and eyes to see all the wonderful things we have surround us. Hope we can say "don't worry, be happy"!

Have a great week, have amazing days and nights, have a lot to be thankful for!

With much love,
G, V, V & O.


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