
Showing posts from 2011

What do you see?

"I spy with my little eyes something blue"! Do you know this game? Kids love to play "I spy"! So do I! Since I got in the planet Venezuela, I spied a lot of  "something" ugly! Oh, yes, sadly! In the beginning my little eyes were able to see the "ugly, the dirty, the annoying,..." oh,it wasn't nice to play I spy! But, as we learn, in life all the things pass and so my little eye which spied the ugly, the dirtiest,...., you know! I decided I was tired to spy the opposite of the beauty and I begun to look above and suddenly my little tired eyes saw the colors of the rainbow, the blue of the mountains, the purple of the flowers,.... and I was cheerful about what my eyes and heart could see despite of my past experience. I told before in an old post and I'll say again.... we need to open our hearts to see the beauty in life. I still spy the ugly but when I look above I can find the rainbow! Let's find the colors and paint...

What's your giant?

Sometime ago I heard about the everyday "stones" each one of us have in our daily routine. I thought about the "stones" and I realized that even the little stones can be giants that we have to deal with it. So, my question is: what is my giant? Well, dear reader everyday a giant can appear in our lives, that's a fact! But, do we really have giants or we have the talent to transform those little "stones" into huge rocks impossible to crush, in giants impossible to defeat? I can't answer for you, but I can assure you that even giants we can defeat! Remember the little shepherd David who defeated Goliath, the mighty giant? David had such powerful mind, he believed he could do it because God was present in his life. He knew he could win Goliath! Nobody believed in David, even his friends laughed at him, but David didn't hesitated, he was faithful, he was courageous, he was a warrior!  Well, in the end David without powerful guns or a...


What a day! Wow! Well, June was another surprise in planet Venezuela! I thought I was prepared for the ID day but in the end I realized that I need more practice to improve my deep breath concentration! You will understand what I'm talking about after read this.......... This is my story of the ID day, here it goes.... All foreign people must have a Venezuelan ID, but the process to get one is horrible, so that's the problem.I  and the kids went to the ID department!!!!!! We arrived at lunch time, we wait 10 minutes in line and we started the process, pictures, digital finger prints, questions, and then the man who was helping us didn't know what to do with us,... so he left his table twice and went  searching for answers, when he came back he finished the process, and said that we should go to table number 9. We went to table 9 and the lady told that he did almost everything wrong, so we went back to his table..... after we finished with him the table 9 lady wrote my ...

Land of Rainbows!

I believe the first rainbow mentioned in a book was the one which appeared at  Noah's time. From there to here, rainbows bring smile, color and beauty after a storm! Rainbows are considered good luck, rainbows also remind us of a antique promise! Accordingly to wikipedia rainbows are used as flags too. Rainbows flags has a long tradition; they are displayed in many cultures around the world as a sign of diversity and inclusiveness, of hope and of yearning. Good things come from the colors of the rainbow, great and positive promises, feelings, energy, hope, smiles! Did you notice that every time you see a rainbow you immediately want to share your view with someone else? You probably say:"look, the rainbow, so beautiful"! Right? There is something good about rainbows! Since I got here, in the planet Venezuela, since the first day I began to look for signs! Yes, divine signs, which could tell me the reason of being here, als...

Wherever we are!

Tomorrow, June 1st, we will have been in Planet Venezuela for a year! Hooray!!!!!!!! One entire year, full of surprises, discoveries and challenges! And now I pause and  think about the last year, what we have done, what we learned, what we had accomplished !?!?!?! We did a lot of things, we reinvent ourselves, we became stronger, we bloomed each day trying to be happy even when the tides of life were too tall and to big to deal with it! And we learned, oh yes, we learned! Learned to appreciated even more, we learned to enjoy each second of the adventurer, we learned to be thankful in the difficult moments, we learned to use patience and we learned to wait! And the best part of this incredible adventure was understand that doesn't matter where we are, it's not the place that makes you happy, what makes us happy is being together as a family, is having God as our leader to hep us fighting together, learning together, falling and standing up together,...

The Greatest Promise Ever!

The past week I received so many great gifts! I had the pleasure to see double rainbows in the end of a busy day,  and also in the next day one rainbow in the morning and another rainbow in the afternoon! I saw "extremely rare" (for me) flower growing in a tree at the golf course, I saw a peacock with it's gorgeous tail at the top of the tallest tree at the Club, I saw blue and yellow birds eating bananas in my garden, I saw one amazing sunset, a strong rain and minutes later a bright sun, I saw my kids choosing good, I could share God's love with new friends, I celebrated my 16 wedding anniversary with the most wonderful gift which is being together! We received  2 cards that my kids made for us with more than 60 friends signatures just wishing a happy anniversary! I had the joy to hear from one mom saying that her son told her that I taught him to pray before we eat!!!!!!!! I heard from my mother-in-law that she went...

"Don't worry, be happy"!

I took these pictures last week. The first one is our banana tree with a beautiful blue bird, I took at noon. The second one I took around 6:10 pm and the last one I took at 6am, that big circle is the moon. Three wonderful views that I had the pleasure to see! Three amazing promises God give us everyday. Do you have time to check the sky or a bird flying by? Hope so! Those scenarios show me how great and lovely God is with us. The third one brings me peace, reflects how much care He has for us, even in the early morning, He brings a beautiful silver moon to bright our way, after a while on lunch time, while we are cooking and don't know what to cook, He gives a banana to a blue bird, if He cares about the little bird, for sure He cares much more about us, this picture brings me "sure, He will be with you"! And the second one shows me that even in the darkest moments of life He is still there giving a warm light and hope! Hope we have time and eye...

The limit of our knowledge!

Happy New year! Happy Everything! This is my first post of 2011 and I wish I can bring something really good for our minds! I hope you enjoy it! Everybody knows that we move from place to place, we enjoy it a lot even with the challenges! When we move to a new place our eyes transform in eyes of eagles and owls! Our minds collect all the data and storage in a secret drawer and after a while we begin the process of judgement and comparison. When we lived in US we flew several times to Brazil to visit our family, every time we arrived there, I begun to compare both countries, and in the end US was always the winner! Sadly to say that Brazil in that time was a baby comparing to US - an all grown up and strong and almost perfect place to live. But, things change, now we are here in the Venezuela planet. Last December we flew to Brazil and my first impression was :"wow what amazing country, so organized, so clean, people are so polite and nice, what a wonderf...