Every time when I go out, I take some pictures about things that I consider interesting. Sometimes I take the pics from inside my car for safety, sometimes I just take the picture, I just concentrate in the image and what the image shows me and I click it! I select these 5 pics and instead of explain why I consider interesting I'll ask and answer about each one! So here comes the FAQ! 1 - Does all the stores in downtown have parking lot? A: no, just for "government" according to the sign showing in the picture! PS: I believe the sign is a lie! They use it just to avoid that someone could park the car in front of their shacks! 2 - Is the car traffic organized? A: no, you need to be very, very careful when you drive. You can find people crossing, motorcycle doing zig zag, also food shacks in the street, almost in the middle of the street! 3 - Can I find eggs in the grocery store? A: yes and no. Sometimes you can find, sometimes you can...