In a eco-friendly bag
Hello dear readers, Today I woke up inspired to write this post. I was thinking about the tragedies our world is facing, also about the sadness, the corruptions, the lies, all the terrible attitudes that human beings can have if they do not have moral, principles, conscious and love to share. Why is the world is like that? Why did the world became a hard place to be, why did the moral and good manners became jokes, neglected and are not being seen as the most precious treasure? Here in planet Venezuela, things are worse than ever, the lack of food and other goods are making people crazy. There are lines everywhere to find the basics, there are soldiers with heavy guns all over the cities, the grocery stores are closed to regular clients, only people who stand in lines can buy the products that the government allows to sell, these products are controlled by the government, they control the price and the quantity that each person can buy. For example they sol...